
高清电影 今日: 10|主题: 11434

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[蓝光/4K] 钢铁侠1.2.3三部蓝光[DIY国配简繁].HK.Blu-ray.1080p.AVC. 171GB attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..16 piyixia 2021-1-6 15353092 shentong27e 4 天前
[高清资源] [致命感应/Malignant Man](删减版)[WEB-MP4/2.09G][4K][英语中字] attach_img  ...2345 piyixia 2021-9-10 409730 shentong27e 4 天前
[高清资源] [美国][动作][叛谍追击][高清BluRay.1080p-R/2.6G][中字][经典刺激] attachment  ...23 阿童木 2015-10-23 295430 shentong27e 4 天前
[合集收藏] [终结者6部合集][MKV/83.4G][国英双语][中英特效][2160P][H265编码] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..21 piyixia 2021-9-25 20722696 shentong27e 4 天前
[高清资源] [灵魂摆渡·黄泉][WEB-MP4/3.7G/4.7G][国语中字][4K][无水印][2018大陆奇幻] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..16 dalianmao 2020-4-21 15142795 shentong27e 4 天前
[高清资源] [蜡笔小新:爆盛!功夫男孩.拉面大乱][1080P][2.42GB][日语国语中文字幕][高清MP4] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..21 dalianmao 2018-12-12 20778579 Blood-mage 4 天前
[高清资源] [教室别恋].1995.Lust Och Fagring Stor.[DVDRip][英语/1.37G] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..28 dalianmao 2015-8-2 279104579 Blood-mage 4 天前
[高清资源] [爱你九周半/九个半星期]Nine Half Weeks 1986 BD REMUX 1080p AVC DTS-HD MA5.1 18G attach_img  ...2 蓝色蝴蝶 2014-5-11 142644 我问问1234 4 天前
[高清资源] [超人总动员2 大陆公映版][WEB-MKV/2.52G][国英双语中字][1080P][2018欧美] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..32 dalianmao 2018-11-10 31272634 我问问1234 4 天前
[高清资源] [奥本海默][BD-MKV/34.17GB][中文字幕/特效字幕][4K-2160P] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..11 piyixia 2023-11-22 1032485 我问问1234 4 天前
[合集收藏] [生化危机6部系列合集][BD-MP4/21.9GB][国英双语中英双字][1080P] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..18 dalianmao 2020-4-16 17561329 hyhxy0112 5 天前
[蓝光/4K] 神话[DIY国语粤简繁]The.Myth.2005.UK.BluRay.1080p.45.54GB.[2005成龙/金喜善] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..46 dalianmao 2019-1-19 452136441 Saka920 5 天前
[高清资源] [狎鸥亭报告][HD-MP4/3.2GB][韩语中字][1080P][2022韩国喜剧] attach_img  ...2345 piyixia 2023-2-8 431116 wsh00326 6 天前
[蓝光/4K] 飞鹰计划 Armour Of God II 1991 BluRay REMUX 1080p CHD 20.3GB attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 piyixia 2020-7-20 7131861 z464038490 6 天前
[合集收藏] 山村老尸 三部合集 国粤双语 三部都无水印 高清 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 影视仓库 2020-7-6 7428202 bmw9711 2024-5-1 19:49
[高清资源] 超时空传输 ARQ.2016.PROPER.720p.WEBRip.X264-DEFLATE 1.62GB attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..10 dalianmao 2016-9-20 9825498 老猫zw 2024-5-1 13:59
[高清资源] [大黄蜂][HD-MP4/2.84GB/5.59GB][英语中字][720P/1080P][2018欧美科幻] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..69 dalianmao 2019-3-23 689158281 wanmxj001 2024-5-1 01:24
[高清资源] [李茶的姑妈.Hello.Mrs.Money][WEB-MP4/5.31GB][国语中字][4K-2160P] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..25 dalianmao 2018-12-14 24229916 zhyliaoning 2024-4-30 13:36
[高清资源] [上帝也疯狂][HD-MP4/3.96GB][英语中字][1080P][1984欧美爆笑高分喜剧] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..14 piyixia 2020-7-9 13256203 imeanzhan 2024-4-30 08:13
[高清资源] 玻璃樽(未删减版)[国粤双语].1999.1080p.BluRay.15.3GB [成龙/舒淇] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..22 dalianmao 2017-11-21 21262620 端木骥骧 2024-4-30 03:51
[蓝光/4K] 康斯坦丁/地狱神探 Constantine.2005.1080p.CEE.BluRay. 27.32GB attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..26 piyixia 2020-8-24 25684151 weijuzhou 2024-4-29 17:21
[合集收藏] 【港片经典】《李赛凤+胡慧中系列》44部 最强香港动作女打星 国语版 收藏版[阿里云盘]  ...23456..7 dazaiqianyuan 2023-3-9 662047 爱园东波 2024-4-29 14:27
[高清资源] [宝莲灯].Lotus.Lantern.1999.DVDRip.x264.AC3[国语无字/3.0G] attach_img  ...2345 dalianmao 2015-3-5 4114914 爱园东波 2024-4-29 14:25
[蓝光/4K] 僵尸先生4之僵尸叔叔 Mr.Vampire.4.1988.Blu-ray.JPN.1080p.AVC.LPCM 2.0 22.76GB attachment  ...23456..10 dalianmao 2018-7-12 9138633 爱园东波 2024-4-29 14:23
[合集收藏] [山村老尸1,2,3三部合集][720p][WEBRip-mkv/约2G每部][国粤双语中字][经典恐怖] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..18 piyixia 2020-7-6 17661898 爱园东波 2024-4-29 14:21
[蓝光/4K] 泰坦尼克号[原声+6区国配]Titanic 1997 BluRay 1080p AVC DTS-HD MA5.1 DD5.1-CHD 40G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 hdsky 2015-3-24 19973930 爱园东波 2024-4-29 14:20
[高清资源] [皇家师姐4直击证人In.the.Line.of.Duty.Part.IV.1989.BluRay.720p.x264[国粤/2.4G] attach_img  ...2 hdsky 2014-5-12 184394 爱园东波 2024-4-29 14:18
[高清资源] [致命弯道5部]Wrong.Turn.2003-2012.BluRay.720p.高清下载[中英字幕/12G] attach_img  ...23 dalianmao 2014-2-22 218323 爱园东波 2024-4-29 14:16
[高清资源] [勇者行动/海豹神兵: 英勇行动]Act of Valor 2012 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD 11.5G attach_img  ...234 独孤羽 2014-5-11 3812225 爱园东波 2024-4-29 14:16
[高清资源] [异形3.未删减特别版][MP4/5.69GB][中英双字幕][1080P][1992欧美] attach_img  ...234 piyixia 2021-3-7 366957 bfdln 2024-4-29 00:21
[高清资源] 美国狙击手 American.Sniper.2014.1080p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS 8.7G 外挂中文字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 阿童木 2015-8-9 12431847 zxcv137736 2024-4-28 21:20
[高清资源] 飞机陷落[中文字幕/特效字幕].Plane.2023.V2.BluRay.1080p. 6.71GB attach_img  ...23456 piyixia 2024-1-2 511082 zxcv137736 2024-4-28 21:11
[蓝光/4K] [第九突击队 /第九连]9th.Company.2005.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi 16G attach_img  ...23 hdsky 2014-6-9 279577 zxcv137736 2024-4-28 11:22
[蓝光/4K] [我们曾是战士]We.Were.Soldiers.2002.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-SCGHD[中英字幕/7.94G] attach_img  ...23 hdsky 2014-5-13 2711278 zxcv137736 2024-4-28 11:19
[高清资源] [三方国界][HD-MP4/2.75GB][英语中字][1080P高清版][2019欧美动作] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 piyixia 2020-7-2 7529572 zxcv137736 2024-4-28 11:11
[蓝光/4K] [天龙特攻队(中字)]The A-Team Extended Cut 2in1 2010 BluRay 1080p DTS-HD5.1 45G attachment  ...23456 美丽的小巨兔 2014-5-12 5316235 snxjlhx 2024-4-28 00:49
[合集收藏] [星球大战][11部合集][MKV/100G][2160P][国英双音轨][中英字幕][HDR][H265编码] attach_img digest heatlevel  ...23456..23 piyixia 2021-9-11 22055242 Kewen85 2024-4-27 16:53
[高清资源] [拳霸1-3合集]2003-2010.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3[泰语中文字幕/6.41G]  ...2345 蓝色蝴蝶 2014-5-12 4914092 mybirthday888 2024-4-27 13:17
[合集收藏] [幻影车神/三部合集][BD-MP4/MKV/共41.95G][国印双语/中英双字] attach_img  ...234 piyixia 2020-7-31 3511801 wahd123 2024-4-27 12:05
[高清资源] [2012世界末日][1080P][无水印][国英双语/中英双字][灾难大片][MKV/7.46G] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..16 piyixia 2020-12-25 15047797 mdk13900 2024-4-26 19:58


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